Influência da cinética espermática sobre a taxa de prenhez na inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em bovinos
HIDALGO, Myrian Megumy TsunokawaALMEIDA, Ana Beatriz Marques deMORAES, Fábio Lucas Zito deGARRIDO, Beatriz CanabravaMARTINS, Maria Isabel Mello
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of hyperactivated sperm kinetics on pregnancy rate in IATF. Two experimental groups were established, based on the results of the semen analysis in the CASA system: groups of bulls with hyperactivated sperm (N = 10; HIPER) and bulls with non-hyperactivated sperm (N = 14; N HIPER). Differences between groups were estimated by the t test, and a significance level <5% was considered. Highervalues for the variables were identified in the HIPER group: VAP; VSL; VCL; ALH; RAPID cells and SLOW cells. On the other hand: BCF; STR; LIN; WOB and MEDIUM cells, which had higher values in the N HIPER group. No difference was found for the pregnancy rate variable between groups (p=0.454). Therefore, although the CASA system is an objective method of analysis, we can consider that it alone is not sufficient to predict seminal fertility, but when associated with other techniques such as: specific software and multivariate statistics that identify subpopulations, if makes it an important methodology for assessing semen quality.(AU)
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