Diluente quimicamente definido e antioxidantes polifenois na criopreservação de sêmen ovino
TOBAL, Lucas Facundo MouraARRUDA, Lúcia Cristina PereiraOLIVEIRA, Aline Saraiva deCARNEIRO, Gustavo FerrerGUERRA, Maria Madalena Pessoa
The objective of this study was to elaborate chemically defined extender based on casein, added with polyphenolic antioxidants, for the freezing of semen from ram breeders. To evaluate Tris-casein (5% glycerol), plus polyphenols, four semen pools from three rams sires were frozen (0µM; 10µM resveratrol; 5µM quercetin; 25µM catechin; 25µM catechin + 10µM resveratrol; 25µM catechin + 5µM quercetin; 10 µM resveratrol + 5µM quercetin; 25µM catechin + 10µM resveratrol + 5µM quercetin). After thawing, the samples were evaluated for sperm kinetics, plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity and mitochondrial membrane potential. There was no significant difference (p≥0.05) between the control group and the treatments for any of the evaluated parameters. However, it can be seen that the Tris-casein extender was efficient in cryopreserving ram semen. It is concluded that the Tris-casein extender can be used for freezing ram semen.(AU)
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