Conservação da capacidade ligante de espermatozoides caninos refrigerados em diluente tris-gema
CAVALCANTI, Thales PinheiroPEREIRA, Ana GlóriaBEZERRA, Luana Grasiele PereiraMOREIRA, Samara Sandy JerônimoSILVA, Andreia Maria daSILVA, Alexandre Rodrigues
The aim was to evaluate the efficiency of the Tris-egg yolk extender in conserving the binding capability of canine sperm chilled for up to 48 h. The semen of four dogs was collected by digital manipulation and evaluated. The sperm fractions were diluted in Tris-egg yolk and stored at 4 °C. The sperm parameters of motility, vigor, morphology and osmotic response were evaluated in fresh semen, immediately after dilution (0h), at 24h and at48h. The sperm binding test using the chicken egg's perivitelline membrane was performed on fresh and 48 h-chilled samples. As a result, fresh semen showed motility of 99.2+/-0.8%, vigor 5+/-0,1 with 84.2+/-1.8% morphologically normal sperm, 95.0+/-0.8% osmotic response and 302.3+/-27.0 membrane-bound sperm. After refrigeration for 48 h, a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the sperm parameters was observed however, values were within the ideal range for the use of semen, such as 90.8+/-1.5% mobile sperm, with vigor 4.3+/-0.2, normal morphology of 71.5+/-1.9%, osmotic response of 77.0+/-4.1%, and 205.5+/-27.7 bound sperm. In conclusion, the hen egg perivitelline membrane binding test proved the efficiency of the Tris-egg yolk extender in conserving the binding capability of canine sperm chilled for 48h.(AU)
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