Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 284-288

Avaliação do uso do CIDR novo e reutilizado no início e duração do estro em ovinos

BEZERRA, Francisca Jéssica SilvaLEITÃO, Ingryde Paula AragãoPEREIRA, Leda Maria CostaLIMA, Monalisa Sousa DiasFONSECA, Jeferson Ferreira daOLIVEIRA, Maria Emilia FrancoTEIXEIRA, Dárcio Ítalo Alves

Study evaluated the use of new and re-utilized CIDR® to increase the reproductive breeding efficiency of the Santa Inês (SI) and Morada Nova (MN). In the synchronization protocol, 40 sheep was divided into four groups: MN with re-utilized CIDR®; MN with new CIDR®; SI with re-utilized CIDR® and SI with new CIDR®. The protocollasted for 15 days. At D0, females received CIDR®. Between D7 and D9, ovarian superstimulation was inducedby two doses application with a 12-hour break of p-FSH. Estrus confirmation was evaluated with ruffians, and the duration determined with the first and last mounts. The ovulation was determined by B-mode ultrasound and color Doppler. All animals of the experiment showed signs of estrus after removal of the device and there was no difference between treatments (p>0.05). In Treatment 1 (T1, CIDR® used), the beginning of estrus was 22.3±1.53h and in Treatment 2 (T2, new CIDR®) was 22.9±1.64h. In estrus duration, T1 and T2 was similar (21.6±1.81 and 22.2±0.63, respectively). Conclusion: the treatments are efficient to induce and synchronize estrus, with satisfactory results in their duration.(AU)

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