Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 166-169

Primer caso de albinismo total para Sturnira erythromos (Tschudi, 1844) - (Chiroptera - Phyllostomidae)

M. Barquez, RubénV. Carrizo, LuzI. Ferro, LuísA. Flores, DavidI. Mollerach, MarcosS. Sánchez, MarianoP. García López, Alba

Albinism is a phenomenon that has been registered in practically all the living groups of vertebrates. A detailed analysis of the literature about true albinism on bats in the world indicates registers of 67 individuals beloging to 38 different species and eight families. The data are extremely scarce, and for South America, total albinism is known in only four species and two families of bats from Brazil and Venezuela. Here we present a new record of albinism for Sturnira erythromosin Argentina.