Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 250-254

Registro de albinismo parcial em Nyctinomops laticaudatus (E. Geoffroy, 1805) (chiroptera: Molossidae) no sul do Brasil

Geiger, DaianeMissel Pacheco, Susi

In specimens carriers of partial albinism melanin is irregulary distributed. An individual can displaysmelanin agglomerated as withe/light spots on the skin or fur tufts (Herreid II & Davis 1960, Constantine 1957,Uieda 2000). Between December 2002 and February 2004, around 40 Nyctinomops laticaudatus (E. Geoffroy,1805) bats observed among approximately 2.300 individuals lead to a partial albinism study. The group has beensheltered at a building located in a Rio Grande do Sul inner city, South Brazil (29o 33 33,1 S e 052o 38 16,2 W).The accompaniment was realized once or twice a month, from 09h00 to 18h00 h, eventually at sunset. Edges weredefined sharing roof in smaller areas so that better research could be done about number of bats sheltered,morphological and biometrical analysis, behavior, tracks and environmental conditions. It was found outNyctinomops laticaudatus displaying typically partial albinism characteristics like irregular spread melanin,clear skin, clear fur tufts, unpigmented membranes, individuals presenting half dorsal fur normal and the other indifferent color. This paper intent to increase the data information records around bat partial albinism.