Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 211-215

Levantamento dos morcegos (Chiroptera, Mammalia) do Parque Municipal do Cinturão Verde De Cianorte, Paraná, Brasil.

Ortêncio Filho, HenriqueRoberto dos Reis, NélioPinto, DanieliAnderson, RegianeAparecida Testa, DanielaAparecido Marques, Marcelo

The present study aimed toperform a survey of bat species occurring in Cinturão Verde Cianorte Park, in the Brazilian state of Paraná. Aforest fragment with an area of 312 ha, which represents the last remnant of a Submountane Seasonal Semi-Deciduous Forest, influenced by Cerrado, biome was sampled during eight months. 438 bats of 12 species (23%of Paranás total bat diversity), 10 genera and three families were captured. The small number of species foundmay be explained by the status of this area, which is very degraded contributing to disappearance of moresensitive bat species. Furthermore, due to the spatial arrangement of the park as a narrow horseshoe divided intosmaller fragments, the edge effect is very strong and reduces the forest area. We suggest that conservationstrategies should be implemented, in order to protect species still living there.