Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 183-187

Ocurrencia de Noctilio leporinus (Chiroptera:Noctilionidae) en la zona urbana y alrededores de Guayaquil, Ecuador.

José Alava, JuanCarvajal, Raúl

Fishing bats (Noctilio spp.) occur in Central and South Americas. Distribution is from the Mexican Pacific coast and Cuba (greater species) to south of Guatemala (smaller species) and to the north of Argentina and Uruguay, including the Greater and Smaller Antilles. The two fishing bats species are present in Ecuador, but there is no present scientific documentation onNoctilio leporinus in the Ecuadorian Coast. Herein we report two unusual registries from three collected individuals of this species, in the begining of 1999, inside and outside the limits of the urban zone of the Guayaquil city, Ecuador.