Clinical pathological study of mammary tumors in female dogs from the Veterinary Hospital of UFBA Bahia, Brazil
Lima, Alessandra EstrelaCosta Neto, João MOriá, Arianne PontesMoreira, Eduardo Luiz TPeixoto, Tiago CMuramoto, CaterinaDAssis, Mário Jorge M. HVieira Filho, Carlos H. CMachado, Marília C. ANascimento, Nara ASilva, Danielle NMartins Filho, Emanoel FGomes, Emanuelle ASilva, Laís PRequião, Luciano G. TFontes, Thanielle N
The aim of this study was to characterize the pathological and epidemiological data related to the clinical evaluation of canine patients with mammary lesions presented at the Veterinary Hospital of Federal University of Bahia, Salvador Bahia, Brazil.[...](AU)
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