Detection of Mycobacterium bovis DNA in nasal swabs from tuberculous cattle by a multiplex PCR
Eustáquio de Souza Figueiredo, EduardoCezar Tavares Carvalho, RicardoGalindo Silvestre, FláviaLilenbaum, WalterSousa Fonseca, LeilaTrajano Silva, JoabMargaret Flosi Paschoalin, Vânia
Detection of tuberculosis in cattle relies on the intradermal tuberculin test (ITT), but a definitive diagnosis requires identification of the pathogen after the animal is slaughtered. DNA in nasal swabs from 50 cows was analyzed by m-PCR, targeting for the RvD1-Rv2031c and IS6110 sequences. M. bovis was identified in two of 34 tuberculous cows (5.9%). The use of mPCR of nasal swabs as an in vivo diagnostic tool for bovine tuberculosis is suggested.
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