Registros documentados de duas espécies de aves migratórias no Estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil
L. Souza, JC. Queiroz, AA. Pereira, GLeandro-Silva, VC. R. Souza, AAzevedo-Júnior, S. M
The bird migration in the State of Pernambuco is a well documented phenomenon with some studies in the coastal region (Azevedo-Júnior, 1992, 1999; Azevedo-Júnior et al., 2001; Azevedo-Júnior and Larrazábal, 2002; Telino-Júnior et al., 2003) and in the Caatinga domain (Pereira and Azevedo-Júnior, 2013). In Pernambuco there are records of birds that perform Nearctic and Austral migration (Azevedo-Júnior and Larrazábal, 2002). Now we are reporting information about two documented records of two migratory bird species of the family Turdidae in the State of Pernambuco.(AU)
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