Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 1750-1758

Desempenho e termorregulação de porcas lactantes alojadas em diferentes localizações no interior de um galpão com sistema de resfriamento evaporativo em ambiente tropical

Rigo, E. JNascimento, M.R.B. MattosSilva, N. A. M

The effects of housing lactating sows at different locations in a shed with evaporative cooling system (ECS) on their thermoregulation and reproductive and productive performance of the sow and the litter in summer were determined. 34 females were used in the three lines of cages at these locations: near the pad cooling; in the middle of the shed and near the exhaust fans. The air temperature and the temperature and humidity index (THI) were lower near the pad cooling (22.38ºC, 71.84) than the middle (24.56ºC, 74.82) and near the exhaust fans (25.00°C, 75.62). Respiratory rate, rectal and surface temperatures were lower in sows near the pad cooling (43.67 breaths.min -1 , 38.40°C; 29.51°C) than in the center (52.04 breaths.min -1 ; 38.48ºC; 32.02ºC) and near the exhaust fans (56.38 breaths.min-1, 38.93ºC; 32.52ºC). The backfat thickness, the weaning-estrus interval and daily average consumption of the sows, number of weaning piglets, corporal mass and daily average gain of the piglets were not influenced by the location of housing in the shed. Lactating sows housed in the middle and near the exhaust fans in the ECS presented increased thermoregulation physiological variables, however, this did not impair the performance.(AU)

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