Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 1597-1600

Perfil sanitário e zootécnico de rebanhos caprinos nas microrregiões do Cariri paraibano

Bandeira, D. ACastro, R. SAzevedo, E. OMelo, L. S. SMelo, C. B

This work was performed in 60 goat farms located in 15 counties of the micro regions of Western and Eastern Cariri, in Paraiba, to describe and analyze the sanitary profile of the flocks. Visits were done and the answers, obtained from questionnaires that were applied to the farmers, were used. It was observed a mortality of 20 percent in young animals in 80 percent of the farms. The presence of technical assistance in 93.3 percent in the studied farms, adoption of prophylactic calendar in 85 percent and parasitic control in 83.3 percent of the flocks were also observed(AU)

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