Features and perspectives of the Brazilian in vitro embryo industry
Viana, J H MSiqueira, L G BPalhao, M PCamargo, L S A
In the last decade , in vitro fertilization emerged as an alternative to superovulation and has become the technique of choice for bovine embryo production, especially in zebu breeds. The recent growth in the commercial use of in vitro technologies in the Brazilian embryo industry is reviewed here in , highlighting the features and trends during different periods , as well as future challenges and perspectives . The data presented here w ere provided by the Statistics Committee of the Brazilian Embryo Techno logy Society and include reports from breeders associations, commercial IVF companies and ET practitioners . Three different periods were characterized for the use of IVF technologies in the Brazilian embryo industry: 1) the early years (1999 - 2003), when IV F growth was driven by the growing demand from the embryo market, although the technology was still labeled as elit ist ; 2) a period of exponential growth (2003 - 2006), when IVF overc a me conventional ET as the technique of choice for embryo production; and 3 ) a later period , when total numbers tend ed to stabilize but IVF started to increase in importance in dairy breeds. The whole picture shows IVF as an interesting example of innovation, since the development of these new embryo technologies provided new pro ducts, processes and possibilities to satisfy demands and remarkably change the scenario of the Brazilian embryo industry.(AU)
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