Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 406-412

Regulation of key enzymes of glucose metabolism in bovine COCs

Gutnisky, CynthiaBreininger, ElizabethDalvit, Gabriel CarlosCetica, Pablo Daniel

The aim of this work was to study the regulation of PFK 1 and G6PDH, two key enzymes involved in glucose metabolism in cumulus oocyte-complexes (COCs), and its relationship with the oocyte maturation process. It was observed that the activity of PFK 1 in the presence of ATP was inhibited whereas the addition of AMP increased the activity (P < 0.05). To verify the effect of the physiological modulators on the COC glycolytic pathway, the lactate production during IVM and the maturation rate were evaluated. In accordance with the enzymatic activity, the glycolytic activity evaluated by lactate production and the maturation rate diminished (P < 0.05) with the addition of ATP. While the AMP had a dose response effect on the lactate production, the maturation rate remained unaltered. It was observed that NADPH inhibited the activity of the G6PDH and the addition of NADP increased the activity of the enzyme (P < 0.05). To verify the effect of the physiological modulators on the COC pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), the proportion of colourless oocytes evaluated by brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) and the maturation rate were carried out. In presence of NADPH an inhibition (P < 0.05) on PPP and maturation rate was observed. On the other hand, NADP had no effect on PPP activity and maturation rate. The present study shows that the regulation of key enzymes of glucose metabolism in bovine COCs are regulated mainly by the energetic charge and the redox status. We also reported a tight relation between the activity of the PFK 1 and G6PDH enzymes, glycolytic and PPP activities and the oocyte maturation process.(AU)

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