Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Feline aortic thromboembolism diagnosed by thermography

Silva, Diego Matos daCaramalac, Silvana MarquesCaramalac, Simone MarquesGimelli, AmandaPalumbo, Mariana Isa Poci

Background: In cats, arterial thromboembolism is one of the most devastating diseases, with an acute presentation, andis often caused by undiagnosed cardiomyopathy. Defined as the obstruction of one or more arterial lumens by emboli,the arterial thromboembolism is responsible for hypoperfusion signs. As the temperature of the skin surface is directlyrelated to tissue perfusion, thermography can be promising for the early diagnosis of thromboembolism. Therefore, thisstudy reports the importance of thermography as a complementary examination for the diagnosis of thromboembolism inthe abdominal aorta of a domestic cat.Case: A 4-year-old mixed-breed cat weighing 2.95 kg was presented with a history of sudden onset paraplegia, apathy,and pain when handled, with greater intensity in the sacro-coccidian region. During physical exam, it was noted that thefemoral artery pulse was undetectable bilaterally during manual pulse measurement. Superficial and deep sensitivity inthe pelvic limbs and proprioception were also absent and the plantar cushions and nail beds of the posterior limbs werepale to cyanotic. Thermographic images revealed that the temperature of both hind limbs was lower than that of forelimbs,with difference of 3.2ºC and 2.9ºC between the left and right limbs, respectively. Doppler ultrasonography revealed theabsence of pulse and flow in the femoral arteries bilaterally. Electrocardiography revealed sinus tachycardia, with a heartrate of 250 bpm. Echocardiography revealed dilation of the left atrium and concentric cardiac hypertrophy. After 24 h, dueto the worsening of the clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis, the animal was euthanized and sent for necropsy.Necropsy revealed that the arterial lumen of the caudal abdominal aorta and bifurcation of the iliac arteries were obliterated...(AU)

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