Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Peritonitis and necrotizing hepatitis in Ara ararauna caused by a foreign body

Justino, LarissaMenck-Costa, Maisa FabianaXavier, Ana Aparecida CorreaSouza, Marielen deSantos, Beatriz Queiroz dosBracarense, Ana Paula Frederico Rodrigues LoureiroBaptista, Ana Angelita Sampaio

Background: The ingestion of foreign bodies in parrots has already been described and associated with the curious behaviorof the birds or with stressful conditions. Foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract are usually diagnosed through clinicalsigns, laboratory tests, and radiographic findings in the historical data. Foreign bodies are usually metallic and can lodgein any segment of the gastrointestinal tract, commonly found in the proventricle and gizzard. This study investigated acase of necrotizing hepatitis due to a foreign body in Ara ararauna (Linnaeus, 1758).Case: An approximately 9-month-old specimen of caninde macaw, had sudden death and was referred for autopsy. Themacroscopic examination revealed a fibrous, thick, reddish membrane involving the left hepatic lobe and partially the gizzard in continuity with the peritoneum. Inside the capsule, the liver had a friable and necrotic appearance and the gizzardhad a focal perforation area containing a foreign body (gavage tube feeding). We performed the histopathological examination of the liver and gizzard and observed that the membrane surrounding the liver and partially the gizzard had a chronicinflammatory process with a marked proliferation of fibrous tissue and fibrin deposition. The hepatic parenchyma of theleft lobe showed diffuse and marked necrosis, with signs of ischemic necrosis. In the region of transmural perforation ofthe gizzard, the mucosa showed a focal area of extensive necrosis accompanied by the presence of intralesional bacteria.The lesions observed are attributed to the perforation of the organs by the foreign body. It is not known whether the birdingested the object accidently during food handling as a young or due to the curious behavior of the bird or even the stressit may have been exposed to. The post mortem examination revealed localized peritonitis...(AU)

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