Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Ablação de neoplasia no vestíbulo da cavidade oral de equino

Ferreira, Manoel LuizAlzamora Filho, FernandoMery, Raissa Barros GracieSantos, Jullie Souza de SantanaBarros, Jonathas Rochael de SousaMachado, Marina CartagenaSilva, Marcus Vinicius Alves daSilva, Paulo Cesar

Background: Oral squamous cell carcinoma is responsible for more than 90% of head and neck neoplasms in humans.Multiple factors are associated with the development of squamous cell carcinomas in humans and animals, such as prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light, lack of pigment in the epidermis, or sparse hair coverage. In horses, oral forms arerare and represent 7% of cases, but sarcoids are the main type of oral neoplasia. In the present case, due to the location andanatomical dimensions of the oral vestibule, it was necessary to adapt it to the natural tumor excision, a fact that aimedto describe this report.Case: One Arabian 2- year-old male horse, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Santa Cruz State University (UESC),with signs of severe mouth bleeding and halitosis. Clinical inspection of the face showed elevation in the masseter regionand left mandible branch. Clinical examination of the oral cavity revealed soft tissue tumor extending from tooth 308(PM-1, lower left) to 311 (M-3, lower left) and on the buccal surface of the left mandible branch. Radiographic examination revealed no invasion of bone tissue by the tumor. Biopsy material was collected. The histopathological report was ofneoplastic cell proliferation, frequent mitoses, binucleate cells and extensive ulceration area associated with neutrophilicinflammatory infiltrate, indicative of squamous cell carcinoma. The animal was referred to the Surgical Sector who, afterevaluation of the animal, opted for the ablation of the neoplasia. Pre-anesthesia performed with intravenous detomidine30 µg/kg, anesthesia with regional mandibular nerve block with 20 mL of 2% lidocaine and maintenance with continuousinfusion of detoxid 0.5 µg/kg/ min. Contention for the operative act in the quadrupedal...(AU)

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