Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Mupirocin pemphigus-like drug reaction in a dog

Ferreira, Tiago CunhaGuedes, Rodrigo Fonseca de MedeirosBezerra, Belise Maria OliveiraNunes-Pinheiro, Diana Célia Sousa

Background: Pharmacodermia is defined as adverse reaction in skin, mucosa and appendages, which generates morphofunctional alterations in cutaneous barrier, inducing autoimmune diseases, such as pemphigus foliaceous, which is known asthe most common autoimmune skin disease in dogs. This disease involves autoantibodies against desmoglein and desmocolinmolecules, being induced by the use of certain drugs. Mupirocin (pseudomonic acid A) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic withbacteriostatic activity, being effective against Gram-positive pathogens and used to control superficial bacterial folliculitis.Based on that, the aim of this study was to report a pemphigus-like lesions after topical use of mupirocin in dog.Case: An 1-year-old, uncastrated male, Poodle dog, weighing 13.8 kg was treated in a private clinic in Fortaleza. The maincomplaint was related to pruritus in abdominal and inguinal region, in addition of legs licking. Dermatological examination revealed melanic crusts, epidermal collars and diffuse pustules in inguinal, abdominal, perianal and thoraco-lumbarregions. The therapy was based on topical use of Mupirocin in form of 0.2% aquous spray. After drug administration, theanimal presented urticaria, diffuse epidermal collars, papulo-crusted and pustular lesions, which were more evident inabdominal and inguinal region. Nasal erythema, binocular blepharitis, apathy and fever were also observed. Cytologicalexamination and bacterial culture were performed, revealing inflammatory and acantholytic cells and no bacterial growth.Biopsy procedure revealed subcorneal pustule with presence of epithelial acantholytic cells and neutrophils, compatiblewith canine pemphigus foliaceous. The topical treatment of ocular lesions with 0.1% Tacrolimus associated with systemictreatment with high dose of prednisolone (1.2 mg kg-1)...(AU)

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