Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 1-6

Carcinoma mamário ductal invasivo em uma vaca

Barbosa, Francisca Maria SousaDantas, Sara Vilar SimõesNascimento, Harlan Hallamys de LimaAraújo Sobrinho, José Paulo deSantos, José Rômulo Soares dosKommers, Glaucia DeniseLucena, Ricardo Barbosa

Background: Mammary gland carcinoma is a malignant epithelial neoplasm that can be classified as solid, papillary, ductal, invasive micropapillary, or invasive ductal. They are rarely diagnosed in livestock animals. Reports describing the breast as primary site of tumor in cows are scarce. In this case report, pathological and clinical findings of primary carcinoma of the mammary gland in a cow are reported.Case: A 7-year-old crossbred pregnant cow exhibited an increase in volume in the posterior region of the udder. Palpation raised suspicion of mastitis. The prefemoral lymph nodes (LNs) were enlarged. After calving, the clinical condition worsened, and edema was observed in the ventral region, from the udder to the neck. Poisoning by Amaranthus sp. was suspected. The cow died fifteen days after calving. Necropsy was performed. The affected mammary gland and its LNs, fragments of abdominal organs, brain, pelvic limbs, and udder skin were routinely prepared and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Gross examination revealed significant alterations in the mammary gland, and in the mammary and prefemoral LNs. The mammary gland was firm and swollen; with loss of normal architecture, and released purulent, pinkish, fetid contents. The mammary LNs were enlarged, with diffuse coalescent multifocal lesions, loss of corticomedullary delimitation, and the content was similar to that observed in the udder. The internal prefemoral LNs were also enlarged and contained the same fetid contents. Histopathology revealed proliferation of neoplastic ducts coated by numerous neoplastic cells; some areas were solid. There was moderate to severe pleomorphism, with moderate anisocytosis and anisokariosis. Most of the cells had vesicular nuclei, with up to two evident nucleoli. Other cells had dense chromatin, and moderately eosinophilic cytoplasm. There was marked cell dissociation, and cell detachment.[...](AU)

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