Percutaneous endoscopic retrieval of gizzard foreign body in a goose using an operative telescope
Teixeira, Pedro Paulo MaiaBarros, Felipe Farias Pereira da CâmaraBorges, Luisa Pucci BuenoKawanami, Aline EykoSilva, Marco Augusto MachadoWerther, KarinVicente, Wilter Ricardo Russiano
Background: Foreign bodies are most commonly diagnosed in stomach (proventriculus and gizzard) of galliformes birds and waterfowl. Endoscopyis routinely used to assess birds respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Endosurgeryis also used for sex determination and intra-coelomaticorgan biopsy. Benefits of endoscopic approaches are widely reported in birds. Conventional surgical approaches are far more invasive and risky for those patients. Thus, the purpose of this study was to describe a successful case of gizzard foreign body removal in a greylag goose (Anseranser), using a rigid endoscopic approach through a minimally invasive percutaneous access.Case: A 2-year-old female greylag goose, weighting 3,116 g, was referred to a Veterinary Teaching Hospital presenting apathy and anorexia for at least 24 h. The results on hematologic assessment were within normal range for the species. Radiographic examination indicated presence of radiopaque content, resembling gizzard sediment. Thus, the patient undergone to endoscopy for examination and aspiration of the content. The goose was fasted for 6 h. Anesthesia was induced by face mask and maintained by endotracheal tube, using isoflurane vaporized in 100% oxygen. The patient was positioned in the lateral recumbence. The patients neck was longer than the working length of the rigid endoscope. Thus, the telescope was [...](AU)
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