Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 01-05

Colite necrohemorrágica causada por Entamoeba histolytica em um cão

Frade, Maria Talita SoaresNascimento, Eduardo MeloOlinda, Robério GomesSilva, Raquel Annes FagundesOliveira, Fabrício Marcus SilvaCaliari, Marcelo VidigalDantas, Antônio Flávio Medeiros

Background: Intestinal amebiasis with morphological lesions and clinical manifestations is uncommon in dogs. The disease is caused by the protozoan Entamoeba histolytica, which is commonly observed in its natural hosts, humans and some nonhuman primates. It is occasionally found in the company of animals, usually associated with contact with infected humans. Thus, the objective here is to describe a case of necro-hemorrhagic colitis caused by E. histolytica in a dog infected with the canine distemper virus, in order to characterize the epidemiological and clinicopathological aspects of the disease. Case: An adult, mixed-breed bitch displaying anorexia and ataxia was referred to the veterinary hospital for treatment. Clinical evaluation showed a cachectic animal with 12% dehydration, ocular discharge, and bilateral purulent nasal discharge. A clinical diagnosis of distemper was made, and treatment was instituted. The dogs signs progressed to walking in circles, aimlessly, with lethargy and blindness. After three days of the onset of neurological signs, the dog developed diarrhea with hematochezia. With no improvement noted, we elected to euthanize the dog. At necropsy, edema was present in subcutaneous tissues, and the lungs had yellow areas in the cranio-ventral portions, which the court was flowing purulent discharge. In the large intestine, segmental distention of the distal portion of the descending colon was observed. The segment was approximately 15 cm in length and consisted of irregular reddish areas. There was also slight thickening of the wall with edematous mucosa containing blood clots, fibrin, and multiple areas of ulceration. Microscopically showed necro-hemorrhagic colitis associated with rounded structures, approximately 15 µm in size, containing abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm that was slightly granular or vacuolated. They also contained nuclei and nucleoli that were central or slightly eccentric […](AU)

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