Spinal neoplasm in dogs
Valentim, Larissa GarbeliniMarcasso, Rogério AndersonBracarense, Ana Paula Frederico LoureiroArias, Mônica Vicky Bahr
Background: Various diseases can cause spinal cord disorders in dogs including neoplasia of the nervous system, which are more common in mature and older animals. Some breeds, as brachycephalics, are more predisposed for certain types of tumors. Spinal neoplasia can be categorized as primary or secondary tumors, and still can be grouped in extradural, intradural/extramedullary or intramedullary. The aim of this study was to investigate the signalment, neurological syndrome, type and source of the mass, presence of metastases, and clinical outcomes in 28 dogs diagnosed with spinal tumors. Materials, Methods & Results: This study included 28 dogs, and in 20 cases, spinal neoplasia was confirmed by necropsy, biopsy, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry. In the other eight animals, the presumptive diagnosis was based on clinical and neurological signs and by observing changes in plain radiographs of the spine, chest radiographs, and myelography. The location of the lesion was established as cervical, cervicothoracic, thoracolumbar, or lumbosacral, and the lesion was determined to be multifocal when clinical signs appeared in more than one location. Spinal cord injury was additionally classified as unilateral, bilateral, symmetrical, or asymmetrical. The following complementary examinations were performed based on the clinical suspicion, indications, and availability of the [...](AU)
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