Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 01-05

Nefrotomia laparoscópica na remoção de cálculo coraliforme em um canino

Feranti, João Pedro ScusselOliveira, Marília Teresa dePastore, Luciane LauxHartmann, Hellen FialhoLinhares, Marcella TeixeiraChaves, Rafael OliveiraCorrêa, Luis Felipe DutraBrun, Maurício Veloso

Background: Renal urolithiasis is the third most common disease of the urinary tract of dogs. In humans, staghorn lithiasis affects 1 to 1.5% of the population, often women over 50 years old. In veterinary medicine, this type of lithiasis has been little reported, and there are few descriptions of treatment, both in small and large animals. The objective of this work is to report a rare case of renal staghorn stones treated by laparoscopic nephrotomy. Case: A six-year-old female schnauzer with 6 kg body weight was evaluated clinically in order to spay. According to the owner, the animal showed polydipsia. Additional tests such as blood count, serum biochemistry, radiography and abdominal ultrasound were done, showing hematological examinations within the standards for the species. After the ultrasound we noticed an asymmetric kidneys with the right kidney with preserved cortical layer and hyperechoic line corticomedullary interface, with posterior acoustic shadow and left kidney with relative/corticomedullary differentiation and pelvis preserved without alteration; this evocative image of kidney stones in kidney right. In abdominal radiographs was possible to visualize radiopaque mass in the right kidney compatible with renal staghorn stones. Excretory urography was done, which demonstrated evident excretion of contrast material in the left kidney and the right kidney doubtful.[...](AU)

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