Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 01-06

Intoxicação cúprica acumulativa em ovinos no Nordeste brasileiro

Câmara, Antônio Carlos LopesOlinda, Robério GomesDalcin, LucianaGadelha, Ivana Cristina NunesBatista, Jael SoaresSoto-Blanco, Benito

Background: Despite the proven copper deficiency in several parts of Brazil, reports of acute and accumulative copper poisoning are increasing in ruminants. Sheep are known to be far more sensible to copper toxicity than cattle, but the sensibility of goats is not quite known. The present paper aimed to describe the epidemiological, clinical, laboratorial and pathological findings of two outbreaks of accumulative copper poisoning in sheep fed poultry litter in Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil, and to compare these findings with national outbreaks. Cases: Two outbreaks of copper poisoning occurred in the municipalities of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte [outbreak 1], and Icapuí, Ceará [outbreak 2], Brazil. A total of 35 sheep [outbreak 1] and 190 small ruminants (175 sheep and 15 goats) [outbreak 2] were fed poultry litter. First clinical signs of poisoning started after two months of litter consumption. Main clinical signs were apathy, jaundice, hepatomegaly, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and dark urine. Clinical evolution varied between one and eight days. Laboratorial findings in ill animals consisted of anemia, highly increased serum AST and GGT activities and urea and creatinine levels; whilst in the non symptomatic sheep and one goat revealed high and light GGT increase, respectively. Poultry litter analysis revealed levels of 449, 2610, 414 and 333 mg/kg of [...](AU)

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