Sistema plate-nail para fixação de fratura de fêmur em um lobo-guará (Crysocyon brachyurus)
Mesquita, Luciane dos ReisMuzzi, Leonardo Augusto LopesLacreta Junior, Antonio Carlos CunhaPeixoto, Juliano VogasMuzzi, Ruthnéa Aparecida LázaroFaria, Luís Guilherme deKawamato, Fernando Yoiti KitamuraSilva, Willer Guimarães e
Background: Traumatic causes is the main factor for bone fractures. Femoral fractures are common in dogs and cats and usually require internal fixation for bone healing. However, there is little described about fractures in wild animals. Diaphyseal fractures of long bones generally involve complex surgical procedures for maintaining of the alignment and length of the bone during its consolidation. The maned wolf (Crysocyon brachyurus) is a canid found in the Brazilian cerrado and solitary habit. This species is among those threatened with extinction. This study reports the surgical treatment in a femoral fracture in a maned wolf using an interlocking nail-plate combination.Case: A young maned wolf, 36 kg intact male, was admitted to the veterinary hospital due to running over. The animal did not weight bear on right pelvic limb. Under anesthesia with ketamina (15 mg/kg) and midazolan (0,3 mg/kg), orthopedic examination was performed. There was severe swelling in the proximal region of the pelvic limb and abnormal mobility in the middle third of the right femur. Radiographic examination showed fragmented and oblique fracture in the right femoral shaft. Surgery for internal fracture fixation was required. The distal segment of the fracture had a fragment with long oblique line, similar to a bevel, and two wires steel cerclage of 1.0 mm were used to stabilize it. The medullary can...(AU)
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