Abiotrofia cerebelar em um canino American Staffordshire Terrier adulto no Brasil
Mari, CristineBassuino, Daniele MariathWouters, Angelica Terezinha BarthBettim Bandinelli, MarceleDriemeier, DavidPavarini, Saulo Petinatti
Background: Cerebellar abiotrophy is a spontaneous, progressive degenerative disease of the cerebellum in which Purkinje cell loss and functional disorders occur secondary to an intrinsic metabolic defect. Clinically, all animals with cerebellar abiotrophy are normal at birth, and neurological signs become evident during development. This work aimed to report and describe a case of cerebellar cortical abiotrophy in an adult American Staffordshire Terrier in Brazil, highlighting the pathologic findings of the cerebellar lesions. Case: A 10-year-old female American Staffordshire Terrier presented with a 3-year history of progressive neurological changes. These changes began with mild ataxia of the hind limbs that involved the forelimbs after 2 years. In the recent months prior to presentation, the patient spent most of her time lying down with a head tilt. When she stood with her head raised, she exhibited abasia and required a broad base of support. When she attempted to walk, she quickly fell and rolled over if not supported. She could not eat on her own because of intense intention tremors. Because of the severity of her condition, the decision was made to euthanize the animal. Necropsy examination revealed no significant findings. Various organ specimens were collected, fixed in 10% formalin, and processed for routine histology. The tissue sections were stained with...(AU)
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