Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 01-04

Linfadenite caseosa como causa de paralisia de membros pélvicos em ovinos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Oltramari de Souza, SuyeneAita de Lemos, LuizaTerezinha Barth Wouters, AngelicaWouters, FlademirMarques Boabaid, FabianaAssis Casagrande, RenataTerumi Negrão Watanabe, TatianeGuerra, PriscilaDriemeier, David

Background: Caseous lymphadenitis (CL), an infectious disease of sheep and goats caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, is characterized by pyogranulomas, white to greenish-yellow contents with aspect of rennet-coagulated cheese, and concentric laminations. Transmission occurs through direct contact with animals showing superfi cial lesions, via iatrogenic, or by respiratory route from aerosols. This paper reports the association of pyogranulomatous spondylitis with caseous lymphadenitis in two sheep, in Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil.Cases: Two male sheep, 7- and 6-months-old, Texel (lamb 1) and mixed Texel (lamb 2), respectively, were submitted to necropsy. Affected sheep were reared under semi-intensive system in the same group, and had not been tail-docked. Both lambs showed weakness, diarrhea and paralysis of hind limbs. At necropsy, sheep had good body conditions, pale mucous membranes and large numbers of Haemonchus sp. worms within the abomasum. Lamb 1 showed serous fat atrophy and two abscesse-like lesions, one measuring 3.0 cm in diameter in the left apical lung lobe and other affecting the last lumbar vertebrae body. In lamb 2 there were three lesions like abscesses, a thoracic lesion involving the 13th vertebrae and the 1st lumbar vertebrae, a 3.0 cm in diameter lesion in the left axillary region, and a 1.5 cm lung lesion in the left apical lobe, ap

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