Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 133-137

Suíno como modelo experimental na pesquisa biomédica: valores fisiológicos normais

Gianotti, Giordano CabralBeheregaray, Wanessa KrügerBianchi, Simone PassosMombach, Verônica SantosCarregaro, Adriano BonfimContesini, Emerson Antonio

The use of animals in biomedical research is of great importance. It is fundamental for the development and improvement of new practices and technologies. The selection of the species must take into consideration the practicality of handling and the suitability for the experiment, and it must have low operational costs. Swine are important as an experimental model in several experiment areas, because the functionality of many of their organic systems is developed similarly as it is in humans. Swine are animals that become easily stressed. For that reason, their conditioning is necessary to allow the obtainment of data that is closer to normal parameters. This study aims at reporting the physiological values obtained from awake swine, under normal conditions and minimum stress.(AU)

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