Raiva em equino no município de Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil
Paula Merini, LucianaTirso Cormelato, AlexandraAfonso de Castro Beck, CarlosGarbade, PetraUmpierre Bueno, FláviaMiguel Ocampos Pedroso, PedroCarnesella, Samuel
Background: : : : rabies is a fatal zoonosis caused by a highly neurotropic RNA virus which causes neurological signs and that is distributed almost worldwide. Rabies affects domestic and wild animals and this is a disease transmitted by their bites, through which the virus present in the saliva is inoculated. In Brazil, Desmodus rotundus is the main hematophagous bat species that transmits rabies, especially to herbivores e equines. In equines, the clinical manifestation varies a lot, including both the paralytic and the furious form of the disease. The goal of this study is to describe a case of equine rabies in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Case: a six-year old male American Quarter Horse, which presented a clinical picture characterized by colic, depraved appetite and difficulty to move, was admitted to the Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (HCV-UFRGS). The horse did not respond to treatment, therefore, it was submitted to exploratory laparotomy, when the moderate intestinal constipation and low intestinal motility was observed. A large colon enterotomy was performed and the intestinal contents were partially emptied. During recovery from anesthesia, the animal remained in lateral decubitus, not making any attempt to stand up. The animal did not show a favorable clinical evolution a few hours later, disp
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