Frequência de suínos soropositivos para Salmonella sp. em granjas afetadas em diferentes níveis de severidade pela Síndrome Multissistêmica de Definhamento do Leitão Desmamado
Schwarz, PatríciaKich, Jalusa DeonColdebella, ArleiSeyboth, LeonardoRomeiro, CherllaCorbellini, Luis GustavoCardoso, Marisa
The Post-weaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome (PMWS) has caused considerable losses due to mortality and wasting of pigs and has been often associated with co-infections with other viral or bacterial agents. At the present time, PMWS is the most important infectious disease syndrome in the Brazilian swine production. With a variety of symptoms, this syndrome affects the immune system and can thus open the door for co-infections, which results in performance losses. Positive results of immunohistochemistry for PCV2 in pigs, we obtained the isolation of Salmonella enterica in 36.2% cases, demonstrate that co-infection occurs in Brazilian herds. However, there is still determining whether there is an increase in the number of carriers of Salmonella sp. in swine herds affected by PCV2. From this, the present study aimed to investigate the frequency of animals positive for Salmonella sp. in pig herds with different levels of intensity of involvement by PMWS.(AU)
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